My Story

My name is Amber Hewitt and I’m the owner of Hashtag Assistant Inc.  I started Hashtag Assistant as a side hustle while working as a sales associate for a home builder and when Covid hit, it became my full time gig! 

A little back story….I started my career in the legal industry, as a legal assistant, but it wasn’t something I really had a passion for. I enjoyed drafting, proofreading and preparing documentation and contracts but I hated working downtown, so after having my second child, I decided I wanted to stay home with my boys.  I still wanted to help bring in some income, so I started researching how to build my own website and launched my own online baby boutique.  Shortly after that, I started an online directory and blog where I reviewed baby and mom products!  All this was self taught with many hours of research, determination and dedication.  After a few years of honing those skills and my boys getting older, I decided it was time for me to get back into the workforce.  I went for an interview for a sales associate position for a new home builder and got hired that afternoon.  I did this for 11 years and I enjoyed it!

During my last year or so working as a sales associate for the home builder, I started doing social media on the side, during the downtimes.  Before taking the plunge and starting my business, I often helped people with their social media profiles, pages and websites as I enjoyed it and it was like second nature to me. A lot of people said, “you should do this as a business, you’re good at it!”  I realized not everyone likes social media like I do or has the time, knowledge or patience to learn about it and there were a lot of people out there that have a business that could benefit from social media, so in late 2018, I got my first paying client as a social media manager.  

When I first started in the social media industry, it was all about having an aesthetically pleasing feed.  I had an eye for making a great feed and being a perfectionist is a great quality when it comes to social media!  Social media has come a long way since I started and I’ve learned a lot and continue to do so!  Currently, it’s all about short form video content!  

As a social media manager you have an amazing opportunity to meet so many different people across the world that you would never have the chance to meet in your day to day life. You are constantly learning new things and leveling up your skills because if you don't, you’ll get left behind.  You also have many roles as a social media manager: you are the brand voice behind your client’s company, you’re an educator on client’s product/service so you can provide information to their target market and, on top of that, you are a designer, using your creative side to create fresh, engaging content and video to share with your client’s audience.

Social media has allowed me to work with lots of amazing people and brands since starting Hashtag Assistant Inc. and I am grateful for all the experiences I’ve had to date and look forward to many more!  Being a social media manager can be fun plus challenging at times as nothing's the same for long!  Plus, the mystery of figuring out the algorithm….. I think that’s why I love what I do, as I’m always learning and I’m never bored!

With all the different jobs I’ve done, this is definitely where I want to be and where my heart is!  

Amber Hewitt, Owner of Hashtag Assistant Inc.

  • Digital Marketing Internship Programme Certificate
  • Google Digital Garage Certificate